AECT Standard 5: Candidates explore, evaluate, synthesize, and apply methods of inquiry to enhance learning and improve performance (Association for Educational Communications and Technology, 2012).

Artifact 9

Funding 3D Printing

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This paper was written during my EDET 746: Mgmt of Technology Resources course. This course was taken in my first semester of my second year in the Learning Design and Technologies master’s program.

This paper introduces what 3-D Printing (3DP) is, the benefits of 3DP in general and special education along with school libraries, and how to fund it a 3DP at your school. Additionally, information about 3DP training and maintenance is included. Research including scholarly journals were included to confirm statements. Continued experience and knowledge of APA citations were used.


The purpose of this Funding 3D Printing paper was to gain experience in creating a technology procurement and life cycle replacement plan. This plan was to be turned into an appropriate executive administrator of a company or educational institution. Peer reviewed sources were utilized, and this paper was written independently by me.


This technology procurement and life cycle replacement plan was written independently by me. Research was conducted by me through scholarly journals.

Instructional Design

When writing this paper, I was essentially in the implementation step of the MRK Model (Morrison et. al., 2013). While creating a technology procurement and life cycle replacement plan, I was researching and developing a plan that had aspects of project planning. I made sure to include information about the scope of work in terms of the 3D Printer, what the training process would entail and how to get around the cost of the 3D Printer (budget). This research paper would be equal to the Analysis phase in ADDIE as I was researching the benefits of implementing 3D Printing within schools (Allen, 2006).

Related Performance Indicators

AECT Standard 5: Candidates explore, evaluate, synthesize, and apply methods of inquiry to enhance learning and improve performance (Association for Educational Communications and Technology, 2012).


  • Theoretical Foundations – Candidates demonstrate foundational knowledge of the contribution of research to the past and current theory of educational communications and technology.
  • Method – Candidates apply research methodologies to solve problems and enhance practice.
  • Assessing/Evaluating – Candidates apply formal inquiry strategies in assessing and evaluating processes and resources for learning and performance.
  • Ethics – Candidates conduct research and practice using accepted professional and institutional guidelines and procedures.


When creating this 3D Printer paper, I had never created a technology procurement and life cycle replacement plan. I had known I was interested in 3D Printing within education, but I had no idea about the logistics of implementing it. With this paper, I was able to do research with scholarly journals to create an effective and persuasive report about the benefits of 3D Printers within schools. I also got additional experience of creative ways to fund items within education. Through research I found that the community has a huge impact on implementing programs within schools. This made me see how important it is for schools to host community events and get sponsors. 

This paper also served as a great example of my writing skills, especially with APA citations. This course was purely research papers, and this paper was written at the end of the course. Due to this, I had regained and grown my writing skills and gained more experience with APA citations. These skills then transferred over into discussion posts for other classes.

Artifact 10

Tina Sears Case Study Evaluation Plan

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This Tina Search Case Study Evaluation Plan was created during my EDET 793: Advanced Instructional Design and Development course. This course was completed in my second to last semester in the Learning Design and Technologies master program.

For the Tina Sears Case Study, my group was tasked with creating a Summative Evaluation Plan to implement computer tablets within Anderson School District (Grant et al., 2021). Throughout the evaluation plan, the stakeholder concerns were addressed and identified. The evaluation plan included an introduction which provided an overview of the plan along with addressing the members of the evaluation team. Next, it contained background information to help the reader better understand the circumstances of where the evaluation was happening. It then went in-depth about the purposes, audiences, and stakeholders. The next part of the evaluation plan then included the decisions that would be made throughout the evaluation which included questions that would be addressed, methods used for data collection, and the sample groups that would participate.  The plan then goes over the data collecting instruments that will be implemented within the evaluation. The evaluation plan then analyzes the results and provided limitations that could impact the validity and reliability of the results. Lastly, the evaluation plan explains the logistics, timeline, and budget for the evaluation plan.

Due to this being a group project, our group met once or twice a week to complete the evaluation report in a shared document. Throughout the planning process, we would discuss parts we had completed, make suggestions, and ask for clarifications. Once all sections were completed, I went and formatted the final document that I then send to the group members for feedback. After a final read through, the document was submitted.


The purpose of this assignment was to apply my abilities and knowledge as an instructional designer to evaluate the case study which represents a “real world” scenario. This assignment was a great learning moment as I had only created one other evaluation plan before. This assignment covered one whole unit within the EDET 793 course.


As a group, our responsibility was to create a Summative Evaluation Plan for implementing tablet computers within Anderson School District. I contributed to all parts of the plan with the help of other team members. All members contributed to the revisions and edits.

Instructional Design

The MRK model was utilized in this summative evaluation plan by implementing the Evaluation Instruments and Summative Evaluation steps (Morrison et al., 2013). As a group we revised existing evaluation instruments to better suit our plan and worked together to create a thorough summative evaluation plan on the effectiveness of tablet computers within Andersen School District. This summative evaluation plan best suits the Evaluation plan of the ADDIE model as the purpose was to determine if the objectives of the instruction were met (Allen, 2006).

Related Performance Indicators

AECT Standard 5: Candidates explore, evaluate, synthesize, and apply methods of inquiry to enhance learning and improve performance (Association for Educational Communications and Technology, 2012).


  • Theoretical Foundations – Candidates demonstrate foundational knowledge of the contribution of research to the past and current theory of educational communications and technology.
  • Method – Candidates apply research methodologies to solve problems and enhance practice.
  • Assessing/Evaluating – Candidates apply formal inquiry strategies in assessing and evaluating processes and resources for learning and performance.
  • Ethics – Candidates conduct research and practice using accepted professional and institutional guidelines and procedures.


This assignment was one assignment that was not only frustrating, but also one of the most beneficial assignments within this program. By completing this assignment, I was able to see one way this master’s degree could be utilized within the “real world.” This was the first assignment that we had as a group and individually had to conduct an evaluation plan that we did not create or develop. This case study allowed us to take an outside organization, analyze their results and develop a new evaluation tactic to see of the tablets should be implemented. This project being a group assignment, meant hours and hours of collaboration and working together to create an effective evaluation plan, but also working together to all agree with group decisions. Another struggle was thinking of ways to measure evaluation within this case study. This project helped me gained better skills in created evaluation objectives and like stated in another reflection, see why objectives are so crucial.

Looking back now, this case study served as a great steppingstone to fully comprehending how to write an evaluation plan and the purpose of an evaluation plan. One thing I would maybe change is utilizing other data instruments that I may not be as familiar with to gain more knowledge. This project was played safe as this was a new type of assignment for us all.